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If you want to find out more about African-Americans and their viewing habits and what kinds of entertainment they consume and when and why, you can turn to Nielsen, the company that keeps track of that kind of information.

Everyone has heard of Nielsen ratings, which most forms of media now use to register how many folks listen to or watch their programming. Cheryl Pearson McNeil is the Senior Vice President, U.S. Community Strategic Community Alliances and Customer Engagement Nielsen and she wants more people to understand just how strong the African-American consumer market is.

“We think it’s really important for our listeners to understand what it means to be a conscious consumer, to understand our $1.1 trillion dollars of buying power and how it’s important to showcase that with every decision that we make.

So this year, we’re going to have you guys share a fun fact on the Morning Show, and we’re going to invite listeners to the go to and click on the Nielsen sweepstakes banner and participate in the online discussion and share your results with your Facebook friends and then we’re going to select 10 winners every week to receive a $250 gift card.”

This week’s fun fact: African Americans watch 45 minutes of TV per week, which is about 14 hours more than any other group on a weekly basis.

That’s just one of the more interesting facts to come out of Nielsen’s new report on the African-American consumer, which was recently released.

Pearson McNeil says that over 10,000 African-Americans were surveyed and that the results show just how strong the collective buying power of the community is.

Click here to participate in the conversation and earn a chance to win $250 and check back weekly for the latest Fun Fact from Nielsen.

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Nielsen On Black Buying Power, Debuts Contest To Win $250  was originally published on