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by Ron Holland

We hear of all the chaos in the world and believe things are getting worse. It isn’t getting worse, it has always been this way. The only difference between today and the times of old is television, our advanced weapons and the internet. Killing with swords, hatchets, muskets and tanks is simply killing. And today, the news of conflict travels at phenomenal speed. But chaos in the world is and has always been integral part of human existence. There’s not a time in human history where chaos, confusion, war; turmoil, slavery, oppression; genocide, whole ranges of violence and Man’s inhumanity to Man didn’t exist. And the most disheartening reality is that at the heart of almost every human conflict is religious fervor and fundamentalism; greed and an sinister obsession for power.

Think about it, the “god” of scripture orders the wholesale slaughter of innocent women, children and babies. Heck, even animals were murdered. From Ancient Rome’s dominance and fall to Egypt’s dominance and fall; from Greece to ancient Babylon to kingdoms in Africa engaging in violent battles in an effort to control lands, our world is a place of chaos and conflict. When Jesus walked this Earth, he lived under Roman oppression. From the time of the biblical characters Abraham to Moses, to Joshua, Hezekiah; Amos, Obadiah, Daniel; Jesus, Paul to St. John’s fantastic visions on the island of Patmos, there existed war, violence, conflict; oppression, famine disease; greed, lust for power and Man’s inhumanity to Man. There has never been peace in this world. Humanity didn’t get it right pre-Antiquity, during biblical times and we’re blowing it today.

A WORLD IN CONFLICT  was originally published on

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