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As events in Iraq continue to deteriorate, a national discussion is taking place about the United States’ ability to respond to another crisis on foreign soil. The question many Americans are asking today: Is it our responsibility to get in the middle of a sectarian war between Iraq’s Sunni and Shitte sects as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists kill and rampage toward Baghdad?

President Obama has already deployed upward of 300 Marines to protect the American Embassy in Iraq. The President also deployed 100 Special Forces to advice and train Iraqi troops. An Aircraft carrier and two warships are already in the region if air strikes are ordered. But with a war weary nation rejecting boots on the grounds to stop ISIS, it seems as if the President’s options are limited.

President Obama has made it clear that Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki must form an inclusive government to include the Shiite, Sunni and Kurds. President Obama also assured the American people that he will insist the Iraqi people take primary responsibility to solve their political issues. ‘COMMUNITY VOICES’ host, Ron Holland debates the issue with Conservative Talker, Henry Hollingshead.

President Obama Responds to Terrorist Group’s Killing Rampage toward Baghdad  was originally published on