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“It does appear more and more Detroiters are becoming empowered,” Craig said. “More and more Detroiters are getting sick of the violence. I know of no other place where I’ve seen this number of justifiable homicides. It’s interesting that these incidents go across gender lines.”

“People who are faced with a dangerous situation are taking matters into their own hands,” Craig said. “We’re not advocating violence; we’re advocates of not being victims. We’re advocates of self-protection. We want people to be safe.

“This should be a message to those who continue to perpetuate violence on Detroiters that enough is enough. You’ve got to be concerned about good Detroiters who aren’t going to stand for it,” Craig said. “Detroiters are fed up and they are taking action.”

Meanwhile, Ainsworth is lucky to be alive.

“This is ludicrous, the way that they are just robbing and trying to take stuff from people, and killing people,” Ainsworth said.

Ainsworth is an inspiration to other residents in Detroit who want to take back their neighborhoods from thugs. It’s a good thing Granny Rambo was packing.

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COMMENTARY: Granny Rambo Proves Regular Folks Are Fed Up With Crime  was originally published on

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