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“By God’s grace, we will conquer the terrorists,” Jonathan said, according to CNN. “I believe the kidnap of these girls will be the beginning of the end for terror in Nigeria.”

Reps. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), Barbara Lee and Karen Bass (both D-Calif.), joined their voices to protests.

“We are anguished as mothers, grandmothers and lovers of children that this is what the children, the girls in Nigeria are worth,” Jackson Lee said while holding up $12 USD, the amount of money the girls are said to have been sold for by their kidnappers. “And so our first command and demand is to use all resources to bring the terrorist thugs to justice.”

Last week, the Obama administration began prepping a team of law enforcement, military and hostage negotiators to assist the Nigerian government. And in the meantime, Michelle Obama is becoming more vocal as the situation generates worldwide outcry.

“Their school had recently been closed due to terrorist threats…but these girls still insisted on returning to take their exams,” Michelle Obama said. “They were so determined to move to the next level of their education…so determined to one day build careers of their own and make their families and communities proud. And what happened in Nigeria was not an isolated incident,” the First Lady added. “It’s a story we see every day as girls around the world risk their lives to pursue their ambitions.”

Jonathan tried to calm tensions in Nigeria by disputing claims that the girls have been split up and taken out of the country.

“There are stories that they have moved them outside of the country. But if they move that number of girls to Cameroon, people will see, so I believe they are still in Nigeria,” Jonathan told journalists.

And Michelle Obama, who is emerging as a compassionate leader in the White House, continues to lean on her faith.

“Let us all pray for their safe return. Let us hold their families in our hearts during this very difficult time…and let us show just a fraction of their courage in fighting to give every girl on this planet the education that is her birthright.”

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COMMENTARY: Michelle Obama Steps Up For Kidnapped Girls  was originally published on

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