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The sequel to the 2008 smash opens with the predictable criticism of  a thin plot, but lots of action. In “Iron Man 2,” we see Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard, who apparently got a little greedy, as Jim Rhodes.

I’m going to see it this afternoon, but in the meantime here are few reviews:

From the Washington Post: “Iron Man 2” seems to have taken some wrong cues from its predecessor, drowning any potential sophistication in a busy, unfocused clatter of cross-talk punctuated by occasional fender-bender royales.

From EW: Are returning director Jon Favreau and the Marvel Studios producing team buckling under pressure to give the people more of what they think the people want, and make it bigger, too? That’s the only reason I can think of for the time and money devoted to loud, long, escalating battle scenes, waged among inconsequential war machines (there’s nothing duller) that are themselves merely the products of CG artists — undifferentiated action sequences that stall long stretches of the story and threaten to stomp out the quotient of fun.

From Rotten Tomatoes: It isn’t quite the breath of fresh air that Iron Man was, but this sequel comes close with solid performances and an action-packed plot.