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By Rashad Phillips

We’ve all heard the statement that money doesn’t grow on trees. And after hearing that statement so many times, we accept it as true. But talk to an Apple Farmer, during the harvest season, and he’ll tell you that money does grow on trees. The apples picked from his trees are called Cash Crops.

Even if you don’t have twenty acres of land and farming skills, you can still plant some seeds and harvest your own CASH Crops. So start small by creating a garden and working your way up to a farm. Below are the required steps to create your Personal Financial Garden.

Step 1

Clear Your Land: You can’t plant Cash Crops in an area infested with weeds that prevent your crops from growing. In financial terms, you must eliminate your debts because debts stop your money from growing. Money Seeds won’t grow in debt! Now is the time to total your debts and create a plan to rid yourself of debt.

Step 2

Till The Soil: After the land is clear, it’s time to till the soil. You are digging below the surface to understand what financial deals are good for you. Before you can plant Money Seeds, You Must Understand What Crops will Grow on Your Land!

Step 3

Plant Your Seeds: After the soil is tilled, now you can plant your seeds. Plant your money seeds during the right financial season. You don’t want to plant Spring Cash Crop during winter.

Step 4

Protect Your Crop: Now that your seed is in the ground, you want to protect all of your hard work. Keep an eye on your money to insure that it grows. So you must review your bank statements, investment portfolios, and real estate values on a regular basis.

Step 5

Harvest Your Crop: Now its time to reap the fruits of your labors. You will harvest your crops and take them to market. In financial terms, you will take your profits and store them in a safe place. If you don’t harvest your crops, the weeds will overrun your labors. Harvest Your Money and Save For the Next Planting Season.

Rashad Phillips is a Certified Financial Coach and Tax Accountant. For additional information regarding this article, you may contact Phillips at

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