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O.J Simpson has reportedly confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he murdered his former wife, Nicole Simpson Brown. Oprah made headlines recently saying that one of her regrets was never having got the disgraced football player to confess to the killing.

“I have a dream of O.J. Simpson confessing to me,” she said at the National Cable & Telecommunications Association convention in Chicago. “And I am going to make that happen, people. I don’t just want the interview. I want the interview on the condition that you are ready, Mr. Simpson.”

According to thedailymail, Simpson has already told one of her producers in an interview from jail that he knifed ex-wife Nicole in self-defense – a confession he will now repeat to the talk show queen during a spectacular televised sit down interview.

Simpson was acquitted in October 1995 of the murders of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman despite the numerous amounts of evidence against him.

For those of you who are too young to remember this dramatic story, almost 100 million people watched the event unfold live on television. After the bodies were found in a pool of blood, Simpson  began a bizarre slowspeed car chase with police holding a gun to his head while being driven by a friend, even interrupting the NY Knicks playoffs!

If the confession is legit, O.J. cannot be charged due to double jeopardy.

O.J. finally went to jail after he was convicted of robbing two sports memorabilia dealers at gunpoint.

Do you believe this story? Is O.J. finally coming clean?

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