It’s possible that sometimes, all you need is a little pushing. Life can be strenuous and unpredictable at times, but in order to truly appreciate what the outside world has to offer, you have to give yourself a mental boost. Maybe you’re overtired and everything seems worse than it is. Perhaps you know what you […]

It can be hard sometimes to find inspiration around you, especially when you’re just stuck in your old routines and need a change. There are many definitions of inspiration – that could include writing, general beauty, or just a change in your surroundings that makes you stop and think. For example, sometimes sitting in a […]

It might seem that having a balance in life can feel equated to feeling secure in your own life. Why might this be true and how can you feel secure even when everything isn't going right?

Sometimes, it's easy to stay in the past or be constantly looking toward the future. It's important, however, to be grounded in present time, as well. How are you supposed to balance all aspects of your life as you move forward?

Sometimes, life just doesn’t go your way. The situation might not be detrimental to your life, but for most people, the first instinct might be to think a lot about it and try to understand what happened. However, in reality, if the issue is out of your control, it’s best to let it go and […]

I’m a quote person – one of those people who’s always looking for unique words of wisdom to describe her life. While most of the time, I’m one to create my own mantras, very often someone else has already said what I’m trying to express. Lines from books, movies, or even song lyrics can contain […]

For the last day or so, I’ve been thinking a lot about birthdays. That might be because I just had mine yesterday, but it’s also been on my mind for a while because the summertime has always felt like the perfect time for reflection. The air just feels different in the summer: people are traveling […]