We’ve all heard about the problems associated with kids consuming too much technology. It discourages critical thinking, imagination and other useful skills that they’ll need to be productive adults. Aside from limiting a child’s consumption of tech or banning it altogether, there is a way to turn a love of gadgetry into useful knowledge that […]


In what has become known as "The Talk," which parents give Black boys about police encounters, I also teach my daughter to respect authority, but that she should never allow her rights to be violated.


Just before putting together this week’s post, Liam and I went to the Toys, Tots, Pets and More ( TTPM) showcase in NYC that brought…


This week, many mothers and and supporters celebrated National Breastfeeding Day.  Judging from the social media banter, the topic of breastfeeding is still one that…


Every day, Liam and I go out for a walk around the neighborhood. It gives him a chance to get away from the TV, gadgets…